How Why

— Our Story

In the year 1997 God gave Sunil many visions. But the vision of Mentally Rehabilitation center was fulfilled in 2004. This center was started in order to support and bring up the destitute, Mentally ill persons, Handicapped people etc. Mainly wandering aimlessly on the road side are being picked and brought to our organization. They hail from different parts of states like Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar, UP, Kolkata, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Delhi, Agra, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Mysore, Bangalore and so on. They have been away from their family and home for a couple of years and through our organization rejoined with their family.

— Our Vision


To encourage and empower patients with mental illness and to lead an independent productive and dignified life.


Service will be based on sound therapeutic knowledge and individualized to the specific needs and desire of the patients.


Provide shelter, food, clothing, love and affection. Every patient is taken care of with respect and dignity.

Our Profile


Pr.SUNIL JOHN D’SOUZA’s story is an overwhelming testimony for all. He studied till 8th standard . Later he went to Mumbai where he led a mischievous life . Then he went to Bahrain for a Job. One day he got a vision of helping the poor, to fulfill his vision he left the job and came back to his      hometown(India).In the year 2004 he started Vishwasada Mane to support and bring up the destitute, Mental illness persons, Handicapped people etc. He began this with 03 people in a rented house but today Vishwasada Mane is providing shelter to more than 250 people. So far about 900 people are cured from mental issues and reunited with their family.


Vishwasada Mane has around 30 staffs. They are rendering their service to the destitutes with love and affection. The work of our each staffs is amazing and their love towards destitutes draws them close to each other.Staffs are dedicated and hardworking,day and night they serve for the upbringing of every individual for their better future.On a regular basis staffs attend professional training to keep them updated in Skills and treatment of the patient through participation in work or team projects.

Awards Accolades